featuring guest authors; crafting tips and projects; recipes from food editor and sleuthing sidekick Cloris McWerther; and decorating, travel, fashion, health, beauty, and finance tips from the rest of the American Woman editors.

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Sunday, March 15, 2015


Did you know that crafting can reduce stress, build self-esteem and increase physical dexterity? In fact, recent studies from NYU and Harvard have shown that activities ranging from scrapbooking to knitting can actually improve concentration, while enhancing health and mental wellness.

There is nothing more satisfying than creating something on your own. The activity is not only engaging, it’s fulfilling on so many different levels. Plus, there are so many ways to approach crafting. There is literally something for everyone.

Crafting can:

Bring Families Together – Spend quality family time on a vast number of enjoyable activities that can save money, while producing handmade gifts, jewelry and home decorative items.

Relax and De-Stress – Crafting sharpens your senses and focuses your attention.

Create Lasting Memories – Create a special moment for a loved one, while highlighting achievements or performances in a scrapbook or display.

Make Family Connections – Frame-it-yourself photo montages can proudly display family trees and accomplishments for everyone to see. 

Salvage and Reuse Old Items – Recycle and add beauty to any room by crafting discarded mirrors, windows or other household items into works of art.

Revive Clothing and Jewelry– Create beaded fashion necklaces and bracelets that match favorite clothing or school colors.

Entertain Kids and Pets – Develop matching outfits and accessories for kids and favorite pets. 


Angela Adams said...

My grandmother was a dedicated and fabulous knitter (I didn't inherit her talent, unfortunately). Grandmom would always say that along with reading a book, knitting was a great "stress-reliever." Thanks for the post.


Thanks for stopping by, Angela! BTW, knitting is going to be the craft featured in the next Anastasia Pollack Crafting Mystery.